Reality of so called Pension given to Savarkar

There is no official document calling it pension. It was surveillance allowance given to many political prisoners . Savarkar too received this allowance for a specific time period. 
It was british policy to give allowance to political prisoners. 
Savarkar was under surveillance from 1924 - 1937 so in 1929 to meet his expenses he applied for allowance that he received till 1937. Note : Only 60Rs/month given to him
Source: Sir Vikram Sampath's Book.   Gandhi got allowance of 100Rs/month during his arrest in 1930.

(Source: National Archives ) 
While the allowance to Mahatma Gandhi increased from Rs 100 in 1930 to Rs 450 in 1943-44 and then to Rs 550 .   
This is list of allowance given to many political prisoner. 
This includes Abdul Ghaffar Khan, 
Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel and many more.  
Many Bengal - punjab revolutionaries got allowances. 

This list shows allowance given to many political prisoners including Netaji Bose received Rs 3 and 8 annas daily and Rs 32 monthly.
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